Stories Without Words

I love to write. Really love to write… But sometimes the words just don’t come to me. All right, that’s not true. Words come, but they’re not good words. They’re not beautiful and descriptive and emotive – or even well-rounded. I struggle to put down on paper (or screen, as the case may be) what I can see in my mind or feel in my heart, but the words just don’t flow. Worse, they often seem to mock me. Kind of like they’re doing right now, actually… This is the time when I tend to take advantage of one of […]

Six to One, Half a Dozen to the Other…

Eggs, that is. Yes, some darling delinquent(s) egged us. Miraculously, they only hit one out of three cars. Pretty good aiming, right? Too bad they didn’t miss the house, too. But noooooo… There was egg from front to back along one side (the peak side) and most of the way up to the roof. Unfortunately, it was also the east side, and was sizzling already when my daughter told me about the incident a little after 8 a.m. The good news is that laundry detergent worked pretty well to get it off, due to the enzymes it contains. The bad […]

To Edit Is To “Right”

The gentle nudging of a friend of mine has landed me smack dab in the middle of my novel. Editing. You might not have known this before now, but I have been secretly avoiding that task by doing important things like setting up this blog, watching and chatting (only a little! Really!) with writers on Twitter, reading through the articles they’re recommending, doing research, doing laundry, cleaning my keyboard… One of those articles I read got me a little excited. I wish I could recall where I saw it, but the author was clearly stalking looking over my shoulder as I was […]

A Little Ruminating… and the Monday Mashup

I have been reading a ton – a ton – of great articles by blogging authors and writers. I am caught between excitement for all of this great information and encouragement, and Brain Overload. Experts claim that you should read as much as you write, and that you should plan your course of action. Clearly, I am going to have to make a new plan, because I’ve been caught up almost entirely in reading. I need a schedule – not that I stick to schedules particularly well, but they do help me control my tendency to wander. Sometimes. Sort of… […]

Hello, and Welcome!

I’m so glad you found your way here to my blog! By way of introduction, I am a writer, and I have Big Plans. (What writer doesn’t, eh?) I have been writing for my whole life, and the Peanut Gallery (a.k.a. those who have read my works) has advised me repeatedly and emphatically that I should be published. Again. I was once! But once was apparently not enough and clearly did not garner enough attention. Coincidentally, I would also like to be published (again.) One of my short stories appeared in the Alternate Realities e-Zine, which sadly looks to be […]