Exploring Tairenth: Prologue

Lately I have been working on maps for the next books, which are to be a series. I love mapping! I started out on my own, working in Photoshop, but over the years some tips and tutorials from the Cartographer’s Guild have helped me refine my skills. The folks over there are amazingly talented and supportive. The things I’ve learned make me excited to make more, more, more maps—and the graphic tablet my wonderful kids gave me a couple Christmases ago makes it even more fun. As far as maps + writing fantasy go, I have read advice that declares […]

Candid Moments

Reviewers are an unpredictable lot. One need only pick a book on the website of their favorite retailer to read evaluations that run from high praise (“A beautifully written page-turner […] cannot recommend this book too highly“) to outright condemnation (“full of cliches and unclear language […] desperately needs a real editor.“) It only goes to prove the old saying, “You can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.” I haven’t […]

Blog Tour

Waldo is back! For those of you who missed the exciting story, we rescued a baby robin. He got tagged with the name “Waldo” when we took him outside, and then couldn’t ever see where he was. “Where’s Waldo?” The neat thing, though, was that he would chirp at us, then hop/flap out of hiding to come visit. A couple days after letting him go, he disappeared. “Typical teenager,” we complained. “Leaves home and doesn’t even call!” Now that he’s back, he’s a little wary of us. He lets us get close (but no touching!) and he let my husband […]

Blog Tour Day 5

Are you enjoying this ride as much as I am? I hope so! Today I have three goodies to share with you—and there’s still the giveaway, too. Make sure you sign up for that, and don’t forget that digital versions of As the Crow Flies are being awarded to random commenters on the blogs of my wonderful tour hosts. On her blog, Disciples of the Fount, Louise Blankenship interviews Tarsha, the love of Crow’s life. Allow me to give you a peek: So, Tarsha, how did you and Crow meet?   I am, as I’m sure you’ve heard, a professional dancer. Crow came […]

Blog Tour: Day 4

Day 4! Can you believe it? We’re right in the middle of the tour, and I have two guest spots. One of the unexpected benefits of this shindig has been all the thinking it’s forced me to do; I don’t often think about why I do what I do beyond the fact that I really enjoy it. Lately I’ve been digging into the juicy meat of things. On Marsha A. Moore’s blog, Illusions of Intimacy, we talk about what inspires me to write fantasy and how the components of the genre affect the characters. Today I will happily read almost […]

Blog Tour Day 3

Day three of the blog tour brings a fine tangle of miscommunication (which is why I’m so late posting this!), but Crow shall prevail! He is, after all, beloved of the gods, right? So, what happened? I thought I sent information to someone, then I couldn’t find any trace of said email, so I sent it again, but I never heard back… Unfortunately, these things happen, even on the best of days. And unfortunately, I don’t have “Easy” or “Do-over” buttons! I hope we’ll be able to reschedule. In the meantime, I have an excerpt for you and, in case you […]

Blog Tour: Day 2

It’s the second day of my tour, and things are hoppin’! It’s such fun chatting with folks who take the time to comment, and I’m not sure there’s anything that can make an author’s day like hearing that her book is “very well written and engaging.” I’m still smiling! Two more fantastic bloggers are featuring me and Crow today.  Nastasia and Amber over at ZincUniverse are so warm and funny! And I’ll have to say that they were just as creative with their interviews as Kristie Kiessling and AE Marling were yesterday. I’ve so enjoyed the offbeat questions, like these […]

Blog Tour Kick-off!

It’s the beginning of a new week—a new month!—and I am so excited to be kicking off the official Blog Tour for As the Crow Flies! I want to thank everyone that is participating this tour, helping me celebrate the release of the paperback edition of the book. It means so much to me that you would give your time and space on your blogs to share my book. I’ll be posting links each day for the participating blogs so be sure to check them out. AND… There’s a giveaway during the tour. Don’t miss out! (check below) Getting this show started is my wonderful […]

Guest Interview: Patricia Reding

Following her dream to study the law, Patricia (Trish to her friends) finally met her goal, then spent the next years trying to juggle husband, children, home and career—and to fit in time for her hobbies like, performing in musical dramas, gardening, cooking, reading, and…. With her oldest having flown the nest and the two younger coming closer to doing so by the day, Trish turned her attention to new endeavors—specifically, to creating new worlds. Oathtaker, Trish’s first published work, began as a challenge, but Trish discovered along the way the joy of storytelling. Currently, Trish is working on Select, […]

Guest Post: Randomness by Nastasia Peters (Plus Excerpt!)

Nastasia Peters is an illustrator and the author of Altors, the first book in the Zinc Trilogy, an epic tale of two friends forcefully separated after their legal guardian is killed. She was born in the Netherlands to a Dutch father (illustrator) and French mother (photographer), and moved to France when she was fourteen. Clearly, creativity runs in her blood. Recently, her drawings have been published in an Adobe MasterClass art book, and she is hard at work on Regius and Seers, the remaining books in the series. ÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷ Originally I wanted to write a post about Regius, the second […]