Guest: Roy Huff—Everville: The Rise of Mallory

Have you heard? The exciting third book in Roy Huff’s Everville series is coming in mid-December. Take a look at this great cover, enjoy the squeak of an excerpt and then be sure to take advantage of the Kindle promo for the second book Everville: The City of Worms which will run from November 14-18. He is also having signed paperback book giveaways for all three books on Goodreads (open internationally): The First Pillar The City of Worms The Rise of Mallory With the help of his college friends, Owen Sage has won another battle in Everville, but the rise of Mallory […]

Guest: J.B. Brooklin—Save Dschinannya!

Dschinnanya, world of the demons, is in danger. Soon this magical place which changes its appearance each day will be extinct. Only you can save it! 

 Part 1 of the fantasy series “Creatures of Fire: Demons Die Harder featured Dschinnanya, the world of the demons. If the author, J.B. Brooklin can’t write part 2 of the series, Dschinnanya will leave this world and be forgotten.

 If you want to prevent this, you can help. In return you will soon be able to delve into the next fantasy mystery, visit Dschinnanya and find out what happens to Sariel and Alexander, the two […]

New Release by Matthew Keith

Author Matthew Keith has just released Indicium Rising, Book 2 of his series, Watchers of the Night. To celebrate, the first book is on sale for 99¢ until the end of the month. Don’t miss this action-packed sequel as Paul and the rest of the gang at Astralis go head-to-head with a new and dangerous adversary. Hurry and grab your copy! Paul Bennett is a Walker–someone who walks the night in their dreams free of their body–and a member of Astralis, an agency funded by the UN that uses Walkers to gather intelligence. A rogue Walker from Astralis attempted to […]

Fall Into Fantasy (With a Massive Giveaway!)

Fall is such an amazing time of year—What’s not to love about the changing colors, the crisp scent in the air, ripening apples, cider, pumpkins, comfy sweaters … And then we have those wonderfully gloomy days of threatening clouds and rain and the promise of coming snow. Obviously, ’tis the season of Books, Hot Cocoa (or cider!), and a Cozy Chair! Coincidentally, I happen to know where you can fall into a ton of Book Booty. The amazing Ash Krafton is hosting a giveaway that will run from October 17 through October 31. More than FIFTY authors of fantasy and paranormal books […]


Hello, world! I’m celebrating my 100th post with a sale! Okay, that’s not the real story. It’s just a fantastic coincidence that my sale announcement and Post Number 100 are happening on the same day. But cool, right? For just one day—this coming Monday, October 14th—As the Crow Flies will be on sale for a mere 99¢. Spread the word! Tell your friends! Post to all your social hangouts! Please feel free to swipe the banner and share! Share! Share!

Is There Money in eBooks?

“Is there money in e-books?” It’s a question often repeated and, while I think the dynamics of the publishing world will continue to transform over the next few years, it is a question worth investigating. Traditional publishers are changing their stances. For the “little guy,” the “indie publisher,” there are a host of fantastic folks (book authors and bloggers) who work hard to announce changes, expose problems, explore and share marketing information, and mentor one way or the other. The list is growing, but a few of my favorites are: David Gaughran Lindsay Buroker J. A. Konrath Joanna Penn Jeff […]

Choosing The Right Distributor: Smashwords vs Draft2Digital

Self publishing can be challenging for the independent author—As if writing the book weren’t difficult enough, we have editing, formatting, covers, and distribution to deal with. Smashwords has knocked the socks off the traditional publishing route, and there are a few newcomers rising through the ranks of the search engines to give them some competition. In the following article, expert and indie mentor David Gaughran lays out some pros and cons worthy of our attention.  Reblogged from David Gaughran: Since I started self-publishing in 2011, Smashwords has been the overwhelming favorite for savvy self-publishers who wanted or needed a distributor […]

Guest Post: The Balance of Magic in Velyn by Anthony DeRouen

I am pleased to have indie author Anthony DeRouen as a guest today as part of the Magic Appreciation Tour. He’s just released Precipice, the first book in his series, A Show for the Gods, and he’ll be telling us the magic he’s used. The myriad of magic systems in the world of fantasy fascinates me; there is a color and flavor for every taste, and I want to sample them all! One bite at a time, eh? We start off with a short excerpt from Anthony’s book, where we get to see the magic in use, then I’ll turn the time […]

It’s a Giveaway!

Matthew Keith, reviewer and author, is one of those neat people on the Indie Front who puts a lot of time into helping out other folks and spreading the word about books he’s read. He’s recently begun a spotlight series featuring books he’s reviewed, and now there’s a giveaway. Woot! Free books! The giveaway runs from 8/8/2013 until (midnight) on 8/24/2013 and is hosted by Matthew Keith Reviews. 10 chances every day.When you’re done with your entry, be sure to share the news! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Plotting, Plodding…

While everyone else is in a dither about J.K. Rowling’s pseudonym and whether or not her new book is doing well, I have taken an axe to the series I’ve been working on. Not THE axe, mind you. Have no fear, the Tairenth novels will proceed! If you take note of the progress bar for my current projects, you’ll see that Book One is nearly finished—and it’s pretty good, if I dare say so myself. It tells the story of Kai’s youth and carries him through some very terrible times. All very exciting, but I also feel like it handicaps […]