“Would You Like That in eBook or Paper?”

Whether to publish digitally or traditionally seems to be the question of the day in the writing world. And to that I say… Well, let me back up a little. I am a writer. I’ve written a lot of words. I am, in fact, well past the “10,000 hour” rule. Nearly all of that writing has been done for the simple fact that I love doing it. I find the undertaking to be exciting, even seductive (and we won’t talk about the aggravatingly challenging parts). When I am writing, the rest of the world might not even exist. Food? Oh, […]

New Release!

The other day I told you that I’d had the opportunity to design a cover for an upcoming ebook. I am so excited to share with you a terrific little story by a terrific young lady! Princesses, a dragon, knights, and daddy/daughter adorableness – What’s not to like? Please go and download her free e-story from Smashwords.com and be sure to leave a comment for her.

The Jasper Saga

The Jasper Saga… Sounds like a decent name for a fiction series, doesn’t it? Daring hero, epic fantasy (I’m slightly biased; in case you can’t tell yet, I love fantasy.), a tale fraught with tension. Well, it’s a tale fraught with tension, certainly, but it is unfortunately no fantasy. Yet. I like the title so much that maybe one day, when I’m over my pique, I shall endeavor to turn a bad experience into a good (and entirely unrelated) novel. Series. Yeah… Let’s rewind a little, to a day in mid-July; the thirteenth, to be precise. Our house was approached […]

Getting Back to the Groove

Hello! I feel like I’ve been gone forever! I was “off” last week, concentrating on putting together a website for my photographer hubby. It is not quite done yet (hello, Hubby!); he still needs to supply me with photographs to display on it, and he’s been up to his eyeballs taking wedding pictures – engagement, bridal, and wedding. And working his regular job, to boot! So it has fallen to me to gather and edit some of the pictures we *do* have available, and I imagine I will be helping assemble the finished wedding package, too. Fun. I also had […]

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

I’m excited. My good friend and writing partner, Kristie Kiessling, has published a thoroughly good read over on Smashwords. I hope you all will take the time to go read it, and to comment either on her Smashwords page or on her Facebook. Yodhi’s blood is special.  The doctors say his blood could change the face of modern medicine.  All his parents want to do is take their baby home.  Congratulations, Kristie!

Weeding the Word Garden

If you are a gardener of any kind, you know that weeds (and bugs) are the enemies of your careful planning, planting, and fertilizing. Our word gardens – our books, stories, articles, etc. – need care, too. Hiding beneath the lush scenery of our imaginations, there are weeds and bugs that have got to go. Just because something is unseen, in no way means it has gone unnoticed. To the untrained, small mistakes can collect in the subconscious. A reader might put a book down and never know exactly why she couldn’t get engaged, or why she felt the text […]

Begin, Again

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.” (Anonymous) On the surface of things, it might sound like I am still in the same place I was the other day with my post about grabbing a reader’s attention with the first line: Start Here. I began this morning thinking about what today’s post would be about. To encourage my thinking I went outside to work in the garden, and the neighbor’s dog nearly convinced me to write about him – and about the couple that pulled their car up outside my […]

Start Here

“In the beginning, heaven and earth were created, and in the beginning you should move them to get off to a good start.” (Jack Webb, author) Most of the people I know start reading fiction at the beginning of the book. That’s where you’re supposed to start, right? That means the beginning has to be good. It has to reach out and grab the reader’s attention from the very first sentence, the very first paragraph. But how does an author do that? She catches the reader’s emotions in the first instant. Generally, we’ve all been taught to begin in medias res: […]

Good News!

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”~ Mohandas Gandhi Today’s technology is amazing. Mail that used to take a week now takes a few seconds. Research trips used have to be scheduled around vehicles, library (or other business) hours and/or holidays, but now “google” is a verb. When I was a little girl there were exactly two television channels, and they were black and white; now I read that most cable boxes are capable of handling 999 channels, but there don’t appear to be many actual channels after 600. Six hundred! (We’ve opted not to get […]

Notes From the Twilight Zone

Today I want to tell you about Murphy. Murphy has been our resident spirit for a number of years now, and he (or maybe she?) likes to do funky things, particularly to electronics, though the shenanigans are certainly not limited to gadgets with microchips, transistors, and the like. I believe the relationship started with the stereo. One of my daughters was reading quietly in the chair next to the stereo when the thing suddenly went on and nearly BLASTED her out of her seat, it was so loud. We jumped. We laughed. We passed it off as a glitch. But […]