
We all know what a blurb is, right? All right, for those of you who aren’t certain, a blurb is the short summary of a book appearing either on the back (of paperbacks) or the inside flap (of hardbacks). Easy, right? Generally, when you’re browsing through your favorite on-line book seller’s site, the blurb accompanies a picture of the cover. The blurb grabs our interest (or sends us running if it’s really bad!). But what happens to that handy-dandy blurb once our savvy and trendy customers get the book to their e-reader? Image courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net … Do I hear […]

It's a challenge to stay creative. Are you looking for ways to recharge your batteries, and infuse yourself with renewed energy and zeal?

Ways to Stay Creative (For Writers)

There’s a long list of things that can strong-arm their ways into our carefully arranged schedules, often staying for weeks or even months. Sometimes those sabbaticals can recharge our writing batteries, infusing us with renewed energy and zeal, and look out world, here we come!

Unfortunately, the effects of time and inactivity can rob us of our talents. Our talents need exercise…

Business Cards for Authors

The other day I was perusing Lindsay Buroker’s wonderful blog, and I came across an article she wrote about business cards for authors: Adventures in Business Card Creation. My interest was immediately piqued. Part of that might have been due to an overwhelming desire to procrastinate the editing I really need to finish, and part of it was because I’m currently working on some graphics I’ll be using across my “internet presence.” Yes, I match myself! What I came up with is, as yet, a work in progress, and will be printed on the back as well. Lindsay’s tips from […]

We Now Return You To Your Regularly Scheduled Program…

Hello! Hello! Long time, no see! You might have noticed that I’ve been on a social media break, but here I am again. Didja miss me? 🙂 Things did not go quite the way I imagined, but then, they rarely do. My breaks are often like the cakes I make: crumbly or fallen, but they still taste good! (I can’t actually take the credit for this cake. It goes to my daughter, who may be taking after me in that area…) During my break I accomplished a good chunk of outlining for Kai’s novel, got wildly sidetracked by some research, […]

Dear Reviewer

I recently came across a fantastic article by Anne R. Allen: “Amazon Reader Reviews: 12 Things Everybody and His Grandmother Needs to Know.” It has a rather long introduction, but the excellent meat of the article is well worth reading and passing along, especially to the readers you know. “If you’ve got favorite writers who aren’t superstars, they can use your help, right now—whether they’re with a small press, indie, or even published by the Big Six. The demise of bookstores and print book reviews means online reviews can make or break a new title. If you see a book […]

‘Tis the Season

We are well into the Christmas season—already!—and although I got off to a slow start, I am picking up momentum. Years ago, the kids decided that the decorations get put up on December 1st. Well… that doesn’t always work out, so it migrated to ‘the first weekend in December.’ Putting up the tree and all the decorations isn’t one of my favorite things, though I do enjoy looking at it. I must say, getting the job done with adult children gives it a whole ‘nother flavor, not to mention doing in a few hours what used to take all day […]

New Release: Dragonlace

Dragonlace is now available on Smashwords in all major ebook formats!  An apprentice wizard must outwit a clever dragon  in order to acquire the single strand of precious dragonlace  she needs to pass the test set by her master. ~  ~  ~ Please visit and download it! If you like what you read, please consider mentioning it to your friends and passing the link along. If you would leave a review of the book, I would be grateful.

NaNoWrimo 2011/Day 30

If you wait for inspiration, you’re not a writer, but a waiter.(Anonymous) I did it, yes, I did! 51,022 words according to the Office of Letters and Light, and 51,271 according to Scrivener. Quite the discrepancy, eh? Good thing there was a scene I simply had to finish… One of the things I love about participating in the National Novel Writer’s Month is that there is no time to wait. I’ve got 30 days and 50,000 words to write, and waiting for inspiration doesn’t get any words typed on the page. I am lucky to have the house to myself while […]

NaNoWrimo 2011/Day 22

Here I am, about to embark on the fourth and final week of National Novel Writing Month, and I’m experiencing this overwhelming urge to go clean out the deep, dark reaches of our under-the-stairs storage. I don’t even like doing this job. It is cramped and I am in constant danger of banging my head or breaking the single lightbulb that would illuminate the space better if it wasn’t six inches behind my back. There is also considerable evidence of spiders. I know this because I was actually hiding out there yesterday, under the guise of freeing a few items […]

NaNoWrimo 2011/Day 10

  A little more than a week into this project, and I’m almost at the halfway mark! I am also at the part (Week 2) where the initial excitement has worn off a bit and I find myself struggling. I find that a little frustrating, because I know where this story is going. A newsletter in my mailbox today led me to Jamie Todd Rubin’s Five tips for a successful NaNoWriMo (and how Scrivener can help), and from there I found my way to Larry Brooks’s Story Structure Series. I decided not to read the entire series in one sitting (I […]